
Posted by & filed under P.

The padding property in CSS defines the innermost portion of the box model, creating space around an element’s content, inside of any defined margins and/or borders. Padding values are set using lengths or percentages, and cannot accept negative values. The initial, or default, value for all padding properties is 0. Here’s a simple example: .box

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Posted by & filed under O.

div { overflow: visible | hidden | scroll | auto | inherit } The overflow property controls what happens to content that breaks outside of its bounds. The default value is visible. So imagine a div in which you’ve explicitly set to be 200px wide, but contains an image that is 300px wide. That image

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Posted by & filed under O.

The outline property in CSS draws a line around the outside of an element. It’s similar to border except that: It always goes around all the sides, you can’t specify particular sides It’s not a part of the box model, so it won’t effect the position of the element or adjacent elements Other minor facts include

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Posted by & filed under O.

In typography terms, an orphan is the first line of a paragraph that is left behind on the old page while the paragraph continues on the next. The orphan property controls the minimum number of lines of a paragraph that can be left on the old page. This property only affects paged media such as

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