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The transform-style property, when applied to an element, determines if that element’s children are positioned in 3D space, or flattened. .parent { transform-style: preserve-3d; } It accepts one of two values: flat (the default) and preserve-3d. To demonstrate the difference between the two values, click the toggle button in the CodePen below: <div class=”wrap”> <div

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The transform-origin property is used in conjunction with CSS transforms, letting you change the point of origin of a transform. .box { transform: rotate(360deg); transform-origin: top left; } As indicated above, the transform-origin property can take up to two space-separated keyword or length values for a 2D transform and up to three values for a

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The CSS transform property allows you to visually manipulate element, literally transforming their appearance. div { transform: transform-function || none; /* can list multiple, space-separated */ } or with proper prefixes: div { -webkit-transform: value; -moz-transform: value; -ms-transform: value; -o-transform: value; transform: value; } Rotate transform: rotate(angle); Rotates clockwise from current position. Scale transform: scale(value,

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The top property in CSS goes hand in hand with positioning. By default, elements are static positioned in which the top property has no effect whatsoever. But when the positioning of an element is relative, absolute, or fixed, the top value plays a big role. div { top: value (px, em, %, pt, etc) || auto

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