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HTML5 is not yet an official standard, and no browsers have full HTML5 support. But all major browsers (Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer) continue to add new HTML5 features to their latest versions.
February 15, 2013 Osborn Barr is located in the heart of rural America, literally and figuratively. You’ll find us at both sides of the state of Missouri, on the east in St. Louis and westward in Kansas City. We are proud to share the same pioneering spirit with those who came before us to settle this great land.
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February 12, 2013 Formed in 1998, Red Carrot is a web agency with a proven track record led by creative director David Roder. Now specialising in ExpressionEngine web development, Red Carrot started as graphic designers in the late-90s. Over the past decade, the focus has shifted away from print to the web, but the same attention to detail and
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February 08, 2013 We’re a close team of creatives, designers & developers who work together to create beautiful, engaging digital experiences. Ideaware is more than your average agency, we care about products being beautiful and usable. We take pride in delivering only the best. We’ve worked with many startups and companies by helping them create web and iOS
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February 05, 2013 The Windmill Club. Crispy menswear for the classy gentleman.